Human Machine Interface ( HMI )
Programmable Operator Interface - GP2000 Series
All models of GP-2000 series also meet international safety standards. The outstanding features of these models meet the need of factory information management around the world.
With the speed of businsess increasing day by day, companies around the world are striving to communicate faster and more effectively. As a result, leading-edge information technology (IT) is fast becoming an essential tool for the rapid, well-informed decision making required for companies to respond to ever-changing customer needs.
The new GP2000 Series Programmable Operator Interface allows you to share a wide range of production information throughout your company in real-time. This shared base of technical data ensures a rapid response to customer requests, supports on-time delivery management, and maximizes overall business efficiency. Furthermore, the GP2000 serves as a factory automation gateway that supports your global business needs via the Internet.

PLC Automation Products
We are System Integrator for Schneider Electric India Ltd.
We sell and support Automation products from Schneider for Pune as well as Goa.
Typical Industry covered are:
• Process
• Pharmaceuticals
• Chemical
• Textile
• Electricity
• Metal
PLCs and automation platforms. Numerical controllers, axis and spindle motors.
Specialized software. Field bus communication networks.

SCADA and Plant Automation
Intellution's proven 32-bit FIX automation software is the only automation solution that takes full advantage of all the powerful capabilities of Windows 95 and Windows NT. And with more 32-bit installations than all other automation software vendors combined, only Intellution has the experience and technology to solve your most difficult manufacturing challenges, now and in the future.
Designed from the ground-up to be more secure, more powerful and more versatile than ever before, iFIX makes the industry'smost widely-respected HMI/SCADA application an even better option for all your supervisory control and data acquisition needs.
iFIX features significant enhancements in both functionality and ease of use, including features created specifically to address the electronic signature and advanced audit trail needs of the regulated industries. However, this added functionality empowers you to introduce new levels of security and accountability into your organization, regardless of industry.